June 13, 2011

Pride is Pride

Posted in Gay Pride, Inspirational Things, Networking Things tagged , , , at 8:39 pm by Babs

This past weekend I enjoyed Boston’s Gay Pride event held right on Boston’s City Hall Plaza.  Vendors, musicians and the LBGT friends and family all came together to celebrated peace, love and equality.  There were groups from many hotels, banks, healthcare organizations and religious groups… what was missing?  Gay Pagans!  Well, paganism is so inclusive to begin with so I am not worried but it still gave me a moment to think about what could be done.  Stay tuned!

Here is the Gay Pride flag that is over Boston’s City Hall Plaza for the entire week of Pride events.  Every year when I see it go up I smile and think we are achieving so many goals!!

September 30, 2010

Scrying with a Mirror

Posted in Meditations, Tools, Witchy Things tagged , , at 5:39 am by Babs

When attending a Pagan Pride I generally only buy items that call to me.  One year it was Runes.  Another year it was a crystal ball.  This year it was a scrying mirror.  What I find is that each year as I am called to one tool or another, I am learning at my own pace.  Most of my pagan friends are leap years ahead of me with what they are learning and the honing of their skills.  I have found that your magickal path is yours alone and you must take it at your own pace. 

In discussing a scrying mirror with my friend Gaia, she said she no longer uses hers.  She no longer needs the tool and has progressed to seeing images in her “mind’s eye”.  What is wonderful about this is that while I know little about the tool, I learned right away that it is just a tool to assist me in scrying.  Therefore, as I progress, different tools may work better than others but the skill of scrying will still be the foundational skill in and of itself. 

When taking a workshop on scrying, the instructor had mentioned that the tool should be covered or contained when not in use.  It will continue to act as a portal even when not in use.  Taking care of your tools and handling them with respect is always an important part of any magickal undertaking.

The purpose of a scrying tool is to assist your intuition or subconscious to speak to your conscious self.  To do this follow a few simple steps.

  1. Quiet your mind.  Use a few minutes to meditate and offer a request out to the universe to help you with your quest.
  2. In a quiet spot, darkened room, light a candle and gaze upon the mirror with candle light near you. 
  3. Unfocus your eyes and take note of what you begin to see and where on the tool you see the images. 
  4. Make notes of your findings.  Most often scrying will unravel a story after a few sessions. 

Sometimes you may see things toward the edges of the mirror.  This can indicate past lives, past events in this life or your spirit guide who will often watch over your shoulder.

The best advice I was ever given was that any skill takes practice, patience and perseverence.  If scrying via mirror or water or crystal ball is something you are called to learn or investigate, keep with it and let it unravel in its own due course.  Happy scrying!

September 29, 2010

Pagan Pride 2010

Posted in Crafts, Mabon, Pagan Groups, Pagan Pride, Wiccan Things, Witchy Things tagged , , , , at 1:33 am by Babs

Of all days to forget my camera… but of course, friends had decided to fill the role of paparazzi this year leaving me to shop!  The Eastern Massachusetts Pagan Pride event was held in the new location of Palmer State Forest.  What a huge location to welcome the growing gathering of friends, teachers, organizers, vendors, artists, musicians and pagans of all paths.  What a beautiful day to mingle with a other fellow pagans! 

What is wonderful about the Pagan Pride gatherings is the amount of knowledge and community spirit in one place.  The above dolls were all purchased or won in raffles at present and past Pagan Prides.  They are really well made and each have a memory of happy times.  I am hoping to get a copy of the pattern for the knitted Venus of Willendorf above (striped doll) so gift giving will be extra special this year for Yule! 

Workshops are ongoing during the day and this year I attended a basic herbal with a wonderful witch who really knew her stuff.  It was fun to learn of recipes for simple things like Poison Ivy.  Did you know that Jewelweed grows right next to Poison Ivy and its properties are to alleviate the poison in ivy oil?  Seems nature has a built in ESC button!

The day ends with a Mabon celebration and open circle and spiral dance.  The energy raised was wonderful and electrifying.  The cost of admission is canned goods for a local food shelter.  We have delightedly raised tons of food in years past and hope to top the record every year.

September 27, 2010

Pagan Birthday Surprises

Posted in Alters, Devotionals, Goddess Things, Inspirational Things, Meditations, Nature Things, Tools, Witchy Things tagged , , , at 10:20 pm by Babs

This year I celebrated my 40th turn on the Wheel.  I am a spring baby… with a sun sign of Gemini and a rising sign of Pisces.  My standing in the world is one of sensitivity and thoughful repose.  Avoiding conflict is a high priority for me. 

Often I spend a lot of time in giving gifts with meaning to both me and hopefully the recipient.  Trying to pick out something that is symbolic of our friendship/ relationship/ mutual bond. 

This year someone did the same for me and I was simply blown away.  My sun sign usually keeps me from being speechless… but this was something that I had to really sit with, study and once doing so, realized the effort and love that went into it. 

To celebrate each year of my life, a precious stone was added to a beautiful bag.  Each stone was researched, documented and placed in the bag to allow me to work with it and use it in my magickal path.  The sheet you see here is actually the cover letter but behind this sheet is a description of each stone (to help me identify it) as well as the stone’s properties and energies.  I can take the stone and place it on my bedside table altar and set my intention on it as an offering to the universe. 

What is even better?  The gift included a simple and exquisite set of sculpted hands.  I can place the stone there as a symbol of my offering and work with the stone for as long as needed.  It is such a wonderful addition to my candle and prayer work that I simply had to share with my readers! 


September 27, 2008

Pagan Pride 2008!

Posted in Inspirational Things, Pagan Pride, Wiccan Things tagged at 11:13 am by Babs

My favorite time of year is the approach of Autumn.  It is by far my favorite season and with all of the color of New England as a backdrop… all pagans gather to celebrate Pagan Pride Day as well as the coming of the Autumnal Equinox.  For Eastern Massachusetts we celebrate at Harold Parker State Forest in North Andover, Massachusetts. 

For many years, my friends and I gather together to celebrate our pride, attend workshops, visit vendor booths, stock up on magickal supplies and meet up with other pagan friends.  This is a lots to do in one afternoon but we make the most of it; we tailgate!  Gaia, Glinda and I all cook and pack up for picnicing our favorite recipes to share.  Just as our experiences grow each year at Pride Day, so do our menus! 

Highlights for Pride 2008 include an “Herbs Gone Wild” workshop with the Celtic Cricket.  Walking through nature we discovered magickal properties of common herbs found growing this time of year.  Listening to our speaker we frantically write down properties, uses and methods of preparation for each herb while enjoying his candor.

Glinda and I purchased our official wands; hers of Rowan and mine of Witch Hazel woods.  We both seemed to be on a shopping spree since we both purchased a print of Katie Lennon’s… Gaia was networking and is now the Internet PR Rep for the Pagan Pride Project! 



May 19, 2008

Serenity Garden – Plant Selection

Posted in Devotionals, Goddess Things, Inspirational Things, Meditations tagged , , , at 6:05 am by Babs

Amethyst Myst Coral Bells

In realizing my need to reconnect with nature, I cleared a formerly untamed portion of my yard and planted a shade garden.  To help me with this process… I called on Dutch Gardens to give me ideas on what to plant and where.  What is fun is picking out the different foliage and mixing them in a random garden… and also picking out the Japanese bridge and Arbor for the different entry ways to the garden. 

Since I am only using perennials, I will only be able to afford adding to this garden a little each year.  So, for now I will be dividing some of the hostas and placing them around the space as well as thinning out some of the day lillies in the yard and adding them in spots as well.

What is really nice, the spell I posted was completed during the Waxing Moon cycle and the plants were all placed in their new spots on the day of the full moon!  It just seems like the universe is working on my side for a change! Once this is done, I plan on dedicating this garden to my personal goddesses.  Also, I plan on adding a bench to allow for a space for meditation. 

To make your own serenity garden… check out Dutch Gardens at www.dutchgardens.com


May 13, 2008

Gaia Rhythms for Women – We’Moon!

Posted in Goddess Things, Inspirational Things, Poetry, Witchy Things tagged , at 8:02 pm by Babs

Layflat Edition

If you ever wanted to have a calendar that is designed for women, by women this is it.  We’moon is published by Mother Tongue Ink and contains moon cycles, holidays for all religions, art, poetry and prose that inspires and provokes thought every day.  This handy calendar helps you reconnect to the earth rhythms.  Check it out and support a great cause! 


Every year has a different theme.  This year is Mending the Web.

May 1, 2008

Office Zen – Part 1

Posted in Decorations, Inspirational Things, Witchy Things at 7:08 am by Babs

Office Crystals

To say that work is stressful for me is an understatement!  Instead of the phrase “I see dead people.”  I would have to say, “I see crazy people!”  Of course they don’t know they are crazy but I guess that comes from being middle management!!

In an effort to combat some of the chaotic energy I use several tools to may my space a bit more peaceful and somewhat Zen.  Crystals and stones allow you to focus the energy into a more harmonious state.  As you can see from the picture… I have 4 stones but the first on the left I have not identified.  The other three, left to right, are Rose Quartz, Selenite, Smoky Quartz.

Rose Quartz – While it is often called the stone of love, Rose Quartz encompasses love of self, life partners, children, family, friends, community, Earth, Universe and the Divine.  Wow!  It assists the heart to heal from wounds.  Its soothing vibrations are a balm to the emotions helps to release tension, stress, anger and resentment. 

Selenite – This stone works wonders in balancing energies and providing a boost of vitality to individuals who are stressed or fatigued.

Smoky Quartz – A grounding and clearing stone, smoky quartz works effectively in transmutting negative energies.  This stone also assists in manifesting one’s dreams and inspirations.